GigHubb Policies 


The Purchaser shall at all times have complete control, direction, and supervision of the performance agreed upon. Music planning can either be specified by purchaser or left up to Gighubb through generic music planning packages (for example, if the engagement is a wedding, Gighubb will have a set list that is in accordance to traditional wedding music).


Total payment must be made fourteen (14) days before the given engagement. If full payment is not received fourteen (14) days prior to performance, the performance will not be rendered and deposit moneys will not be refunded. All deposits are nonrefundable if cancelled within thirty (30) days of the engagement, unless cancellation occurs from Gighubb in which case 100% of the deposit will be refunded. Under no circumstance can a musician performing at the above-mentioned engagement be given forms of payment, unless specifically specified by the management of Gighubb in verbal or written form. In the event of non-payment, Gighubb retains the right to attempt collection through the Purchaser, whereas the Purchaser will be held responsible for all court fees, legal fees, and collection costs incurred by Gighubb. Additionally, Purchaser will be charged $50 for each bounced check.


Rates are subject to change after given quote based on talent availability and specific talent request by purchaser. GigHubb provides performers for events located within a 30-mile radius of downtown Chicago. For any event held outside of this 30-mile radius, an additional fee of $50 per musician will be applied for every additional 10 miles beyond the initial 30-mile radius. Price for late booking within the month of the event may be up to 25% higher based on musician availability. Any specific music or song requests by the client that are not included in GigHubb – Wedding Song List will be subject to an additional fee ranging from $75 to $100 per song. This fee covers the costs associated with purchasing the sheet music, arranging it for specific instrumentation, and musician practice time. Any specific song requests not included in GigHubb – Wedding Song List will require additional rehearsal time for the musicians. This additional time will result in an extension of the client’s package. For a quote based instrumentation, location, and schedule, contact GH at or 630-850-8505.


Gighubb cannot guarantee extended performance time for engagements, and thus shall only guarantee the date and time stated within the contract. Additional performance time can and will be accommodated when possible, with an additional 30% of the original hourly rate added to every supplementary hour of performance time. Gighubb is not liable for refunding payments made according to the contract, even if performance time is shortened due to the will of the Purchaser. Gighubb only guarantee’s performance to occur during the specified times stated within the written contract. In the event that Gighubb cannot fulfill service agreement, a refund of no less and no more then 100% of total payments made will be refunded to the client. 


No performance on the engagement shall be recorded, reproduced, or transmitted from the place of performance in any manner, or any means whatsoever, in the absence of a written agreement with Gighubb, for commercial or media use. Acceptable reproduction includes pictures and videotape of the engagement for the private use of the contracting party only. Purchaser agrees that under no circumstances, Gighubb liability shall be exclusively limited to an amount equal only to the fee and shall not be liable for indirect or consequential damages arising from a breach of contract.

Performance Conditions

It is understood that if this a “Rain or Shine” event, and increment weather cancels the contracted engagement, the Purchaser will still be liable for the above stated schedule of fees. In some cases, a make-up performance will be arranged if the event is cancelled due to increment weather the day before, and such decisions are left up to Gighubb management. Nevertheless, a make-up performance is not guaranteed. It is understood that all musicians performing at an outdoor engagement will be provided shading on sunny days, and cover on rainy days, in order to prevent health concerns as well as instrument/equipment damage. Chairs will be provided for all musicians by the Purchaser or their given venue during the engagement. If the Purchaser requests an acoustic piano, one shall be provided for the pianist by the Purchaser or their given venue. If temperature exceeds 85 degrees Fahrenheit, and male musicians are wearing concert tuxedos or suits, the Purchaser will thus allow them to remove their suit jackets, thereby allowing them to perform in white suit/tux shirts (short sleeve or long sleeve). All performing space for musicians will have a minimum of 3 feet free space surrounding their given performing locale, on all four sides on ensemble/musician space. Musicians can take up-to 10min breaks for every hour of playing. If event is held outdoors, coverage must be provided at performers request. The client is responsible for covering any parking expenses and must provide complimentary parking for all musicians at the event site for the duration of the event.


The Purchaser shall be held liable for any injury or damages to musicians and their instruments and/or equipment while on the premises of the said engagement, if damages are caused by Purchaser or guest, engagement invitees, employees, or any other party in attendance, whether invited or not. Safe working conditions must be provided for all musicians on the engagement premises and code regulations must adhere to state laws.


In the event that any Gighubb musician/talent is unprofessional during an engagement, contact Gighubb management immediately in order for GH to provide appropriate replacement or musician/talent or compensation. No current or former Gighubb representative or coordinator can be employed independently with contracted party.

GigHubb Guarantee

Gighubb guarantees that GH musicians/talent will perform at the above mentioned start time, performing selected music agreed by the Purchaser and GH Coordinator, and will finish at the scheduled agreed upon time on the date and place stated within the contract, and that the Purchaser will be liable for the payments agreed for such services within the contract.


The person executing and entering in a contract with GigHubb, either individually, or as a representative of an organization, represents and warrants that he or she is eighteen (18) years of age, and further, if executing as an agent or representative, that he or she has the authority to enter into this agreement. GH contract contains the entire agreement between the two parties, and no statements, promises, or intentions by any party hereto, which are not contained in the contract, shall be valid and binding. Contract shall not be enlarged, altered, or modified except in writing by both parties stated hereon. The laws of the state shall govern this agreement. All aspects of the above stated agreement shall be held up and acted out according to the laws of the state. Furthermore, all safety regulations concerning the place of the engagement will uphold to state laws and regulation. Furthermore, verbal agreements are non-binding and all written terms shall supersede all verbal agreements or arrangements.